
Well it’s awesome to see that you’ve found it here. After quite some time, I finally was able to publish this via Hugo. That was a headache in itself because Github pages and Hugo don’t play nicely with each other, but nonetheless.

So this site is going to hold basically everything I’m working on and want everyone to see. Publishing content is a great thing to do in the age where your website/blog basically is your new business card. Sounds corny, I know but there are remnants of truth in that statement. Additionally, I’m attempting to setup a place where I can store thoughts for later use. Take the wonderful Chris Albon for example. He’s setup a personal site that acts as a storage device for not only project, but snippets of code, mathematical concepts, machine learning algorithms, and all the likes. In the field of medicine, many are known to do such a thing) due to the vast amount of information they are required to retain.

Peripheral brain: any hardware containing vast amounts of information, which is in constant flux and is important to the owner but not so important as to be stored in wetware.

There are many blogs like this ran by stunning intellectuals that provide the same benefit. Take Tyler Cowen’s Marginal Revolution. For nearly every day of the week, he is posting interesting articles, book review’s adn recommendations, thoughts on policy, current events, and modern/historical economic theories. His blog is truly a masterpiece.

The goal of this blog is to display links, articles, and thoughts corresponding to information that I’m digesting on a daily or weekly basis. I’ve never been a big fan of social media and the publicity that it receives, so sectioning off a small section of the vast web could be a viable space to display everything. As of right now, I have no set agenda or topics to cover with content. Forewarning, articles and posts will likely be related to financial, economic, technology, philosophy, and statistics right now, simply because that’s what I find myself interested in at the current time. But think very well (and likely will) could change.

As of right now, I haven’t came up with a name for the blog. Nick Szabo’s Unenumerated is a dream title for a blog of that caliber. Should mine be Implied Powers? Syneídēsis (it’s Greek for consciousness)? Something philosophy based or should it be economics/technology based? It’s yet to be determined, nor does it need to be right now.