Hey there! I’m Jared Connor. Someone who is attempting to etch out a piece of this digital world, through writing, code, and ideas.

I’m focused on searching for technologies that drive for economic optimization. This implies understanding technology trends that lead to sustained growth. Along with personal strategies that improve one’s personal efficiency and ideas.

I’m a financial analyst for the treasury department at Umpqua Bank, on the team that runs their interest rate risk reporting. Also, I’m currently enrolled at Oregon State’s computer science program. Before that, I studied economics and philosophy at The University of Oregon.

In my free time, I love reading, tinkering on new side projects, and building things. When I need a break from thinking, I’m exploring the Pacific Northwest, reading, running, or spending time with my family.

This blog is an attempt to openly learn. I learn best when I have to explain them to other people. I want this space to act as a quasi public peripheral brain while also acting as a place to share what I’ve learned.

Strongly held mutable opinions

A list of important axioms and opinions that frame my thinking:

1 - The labor market is a powerful optimization tool that one should never lose track of in terms of skills obtained and the list of things to learn.

2 - There is a paradox between the onset of information technology/computers and increased productivity. 1

3 - Order emerges in the steady-states of non-equilibrium systems. 2