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I feel fairly comfortable stating that this is my favorite podcast of the year. Nearly anything that Tyler Cowen touches is filled to the Brim with nuggets of insight, but this piece takes the cake for being the most comprehensive categorization of his thoughts on moral philosophy, economics, how one should order themselves in the current economy and so on.

It seems fitting that Robin Wiblin would be the person to incite such a conversation. He’s from the 80,000 Hours organization, whom I first stumbled upon during my senior year in undergrad. They take a pragmatic approach at difficult questions in the aim to provide younger or recent graduates with the tools to decide where and how to have a positive impact on the world. As strong proponents towards the Effective Altruism movement, they take a philosophical approach to answering how one should live their life in practicality (though I believe Tyler has been recently critical of this movement).

They discuss topics from Tyler’s Stubborn Attachments book including: